Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Finally a semi-warm day

Today was semi-warm, still windy but we didn't have to have a jacket. Addison and I ran errands today, went grocery shopping and mopped the floors. My Maw-Maw is having her surgery tomorrow at noon and depending on how that goes, I didn't want errands on my mind too, so we got everything done today. She was a perfect little helper - not to fussy in the car (as she usually is very good) and then we had lunch at Chick-fil-A (a quick nap in the car seat), so I did all of my drive-thru errands before I woke her up to go into the grocery store. Then once we got home she took another hour nap and was ready to play and stretch her limbs since she was confined for most of the morning. She really is my little buddy! Always with me, eager to help (she likes to hold the list in the grocery store) and we sing and dance in the car (it passes the time). I really believe God couldn't has picked a better little girl for Stephen and I. She loves to play rowdy with him and crawl wide-open chasing him around but is just as content to sit with me and read books, play dolls, or swing on the swing. I can't wait to see how she really takes to being outside once it stays consistently warm outside. Is that ever going to happen?

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